These are probably not something I’d serve to guests you are trying to impress with your gourmet prowess but in terms of ‘fuel’ for your day or a snack on the run, they hit the spot. You can do these in the oven (preheat to 160C) in muffin tins or I also chucked some mix into a ramekin and popped it in the microwave just to see how it would turn out. The microwave version was pretty good and FAST but if you have the time, the oven ones did taste a bit better and got the delicious crunchy “muffin-top” that I love about muffins! This only makes about 1/2 dozen.
1/2 cup LSA- you can use flaxseed meal if you have it
1/2 cup protein powder- flavourless, no added sugar- I used a plain whey protein isolate
2 eggs
1 tbs Mixed herbs- I used MAMMOTH KITCHEN Meat Seasoning Mix
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 grated zucchini
3 tbs milk- I used almond milk
Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Spoon into cupcake moulds or ramekins. I made 6 in the oven and 1 in the microwave in a ramekin. The microwave one was pretty good- cooked for about 1 minute on high. If using your oven, cook on about 160C for 20-25 minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean. These can be a little dry if you overcook them because the protein powder sucks up a lot of the liquid. I served my oven ones with some kale pesto I had in the fridge.
This is what the microwave one looked like
Yum! Bookmarking this.
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