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lamb koftas & tzatziki (paleo. low carb)

Passionfruit Slice (paleo. low carb)

Fudgy Choc Chip Brownies (paleo. low carb)
G came home from school asking if she could get a brownie from the tuckshop which as you can imagine is a pretty solid no from me mainly on the food quality front. Tuckshop treats are generally mass-produced with cheap, crappy quality ingredients that are just not great for anyone let alone young brains that…

Peanut Butter Crispy Bars (vegan. gluten free. dairy free)
There has been much demand for this recipe after I popped a video of making this recipe with G on my IGTV . It’s a super easy one and can definitely be adapted to be nut-free if you need that option for school lunch boxes. There’s some extra jazz I added like collagen for it’s…

By myfoodreligion Leave a Comment
Carrot, Pumpkin & Coriander Soup (vegan. paleo)
Some of you may feel triggered by my use of the word ‘coriander’. I know it’s controversial, I know it’s polarising, hell, I’ve seen relationships break down over less. If this is you please know that it’s ok, you don’t need to leave, please just feel free to sub in your herb of choice. My…

By myfoodreligion Leave a Comment
Quarantini Anyone?
What day is it? What month is it? Has anyone else eaten 2 weeks worth of snacks in 3 days? If you haven’t heard someone in authority say it yet “these are unprecedented times”, my interpretation of that is that basically ‘anything goes’ right now team as long as it’s in the confines of your…

Blackened Salmon (paleo. pesctarian. keto)
Blackened salmon. It’s not burnt, it’s just dark from the spice mix so don’t get getting all ‘it’s carcinogenic’ on me. Just calm down. It packs a massive flavour punch and the fact that you can just whack it in the oven to cook means that is a perfect CBF dinner. Hot tip for new…