What day is it? What month is it? Has anyone else eaten 2 weeks worth of snacks in 3 days? If you haven’t heard someone in authority say it yet “these are unprecedented times”, my interpretation of that is that basically ‘anything goes’ right now team as long as it’s in the confines of your own home so sugar-free Quarantini’s at 10am on whatever day it actually is is a vibe. I have given no specific quantity of booze to add to these cocktails because it’s solely dependent on how spare your children/partner have driven you on any given day. You measure that $hit with your soul.
In this house cleaning has gone next level (I’m going to have to sell the house at the end of this because it will NEVER be this clean again), I have cleaned light switches, tile grout with a toothbrush (not anyone’s actual toothbrush), skirting boards, fans, G and I even cleaned and oiled all the leaves on our indoor plants yesterday. We are clocking up hours of handball each day, the dog is sick to death of being walked and I have been feeling like it’s 100% appropriate to make cocktails any day any time.
I discovered the Nexba range of tonic and Live sparkling water last week so G and I thought we’d have a play with them to create some Quarantini cocktails (alcohol free obvs for the kid). Here’s an interesting fact that I specifically asked the brand about, the ‘natural flavours’ are actually extracted from REAL FRUIT! Hooray! I’m also generally not a fan at all of products containing stevia, not because I have anything against stevia but I think it generally just tastes nasty, not the case here so again, HOORAY! The cucumber, lime and mint tonic reminds me of drinking Pimm’s. It’s def my fave flavour and without the sugar content of regular tonic water. Onwards with the cocktails!
Just in case you also need to make an emergency sugar-free Quarantini you can get your mits on the Nexba products at your local Coles, Woolworths or BoozeBud. All Nexba products are naturally sugar free (no sugar, no artificial sweeteners) and this is the only tonic water like this on the market. The Live sparkling has one billion probiotics in every can and is the perfect sugar-free soft drink alternative.

Quarantini Cocktail & Mocktail
- 1.5 cups frozen lychees
- 1 punnet fresh raspberries Frozen would work well too
- 1-4 cans Nexba Cucumber, Lime, Mint Tonic Water
- 1-2 cans Nexba Passionfruit Live Water
- 1-6 shots Gin or alcohol of your choice You measure that $hit with your soul
- 1 bunch fresh mint optional
In a food processor, blender or bullet, blend the raspberries and lychees until a sorbet forms.
For a MOCKTAIL- Add the live water to the fruit puree and blend gently to combine. Serve and top with fresh mint.
For the COCKTAIL- Add the tonic to the fruit puree along with the alcohol of your choice. Quantity of alcohol generally depends solely on how much your children/ partner have driven you spare today. You measure that $hit with your soul. Blend gently then serve with fresh mint.
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